If they say no, respect that, if they say yes, at least have the decency to credit and acknowledge their work and I'm really dumbfounded that someone would have the nerve to pass it off as their own. I find it hard to understand, that with all the discussion about it and the rules of the forum that we all agree to, people still can't do a simple task and that is, ask permission to use other people's mods or parts of them. I find it hard to believe that people take this for granted. I am extremely grateful and can appreciate the time and effort put in, to allow me to enjoy this game for as long as I have. This however, does not entitle me nor do I have a right to expect anything from anyone. I wish I had the ability to mod, I wouldn't even know where to begin, so I have been solely reliant on other people to make mods. If it wasn't for the long and hard work of modders to create amazing mods, new scripts, maps, vehicles etc, this game would have died long ago.
It's a sad day when a community of like minded people cannot respect and understand the wishes of others who take their own time to make something that allows this game to continue to be played and enjoyed. I read the forums often, but rarely post, but I felt like adding my 2 cents worth on this occasion.